Spiritual Hygiene

These spiritual hygiene tools will help you connect more deeply with your process and actively shift your limiting beliefs, clear energetic blocks, ingrained habits, and alter your personal and professional relationships.

This is a powerful journey that initiates you onto the medicine path. This work is for those that know beyond a doubt that they are ready for change. You feel like you need a powerful experience to truly shift your consciousness. You achieved what you once dreamed of, and still feel unfulfilled. You are holding onto the emotional baggage left by past trauma. You are ready for a deeper connection with your higher self. For those of you who are ready for a big shift, these practices will become a catalyst for life-long transformation + freedom.    

When you decide to step into this work, you choose to step into sacred space. In this sacred space we have a great deal of spiritual support around us. Most clients feel this support tangibly, as if they're being cradled in a luminous cocoon.

As the session begins, we will take some time to connect. We will discuss what has been coming up for you, and what it is you'd like to work on in the session. Then we will move into energy work. You will be lying down comfortably for much of our work together, as I guide you throughout the process.

Afterwards, we will discuss our experiences, and I will share with you what I found. I will be able to answer any questions you might have at this point, and offer coaching on the path ahead. You will also be given homework to further integrate this work.

We will work with healing energy practices through the Illumination process, extraction process, soul retrieval, dream weaving, destiny retrieval and more. 

I am honored to go on this journey with you. 

With love, gratitude + deep respect,


A Medicine Woman’s Prayer

I will not rescue you, 

For you are not powerless.

I will not fix you, 

For you are not broken.

I will not heal you,

For I see you in your wholeness.

I will walk with you through the darkness,

As you remember your light.